Why is Golf So Hard? (Difficulty of Golf Courses & Other Factors)

Every shot counts in the ideal game of golf. It’s challenging to hit every shot correctly. A great golf round results from maintaining a positive attitude and creating shots to escape difficult situations. The golfer’s despair and rage grow due to a poor shot, leading to further poor strokes. Due to the need for accuracy and mental focus, golf is challenging. Each move must be made correctly. 

  • If achieving perfection and transforming bad shots into good ones is the ultimate aim, such a struggle can make individuals passionate about golf. 
  • Golf is challenging because it requires endurance to coordinate various shots and strokes into an excellent round.

To play for par, a golfer must be capable of playing for 4 hours and take 72 shots over 18 holes. Golf is difficult because it is a mentally demanding, physically taxing, and emotionally taxing sport. To consistently play well, one must practice golf often to enhance their skills. 

The golf course

Golf courses are designed to be difficult because they alternate between grass and sand during each round and have rolling hills and varying ground elevations.

why is golf so hard?


How you play the game can be affected by the weather, from how your body responds, and how the ball reacts. Cold weather can shorten the ball’s distance since the swing’s energy transfer is less powerful.

The Shots

There are more than nine different types of golf shots that a player can employ during a round, including chips, putts, approaches, and so forth. Each of these shots has a unique set of equipment requirements and protocols that must be followed to be effective.

Mental Game 

Golf demands a certain level of mental toughness, especially for beginners, including but not limited to emotional control, strategic planning, and decision-making that would result in a winning game. Most experts agree that it can take up to 6 years of consistent weekday play to score 90, comparable to above-the-average playing skills for players wishing to advance their skills.

Golf Courses Are Designed To Be Difficult. 

Golfers must devise a plan that makes the most of their abilities to overcome the design obstacles presented by the golf course because golf courses are especially challenging for all players. Several design principles that add to golf’s challenge include the following: 

Every course is unique. 

Every golf course is unique, just like every person’s fingerprint. Other courses include narrow, tree-lined fairways with tiny postage-stamp greens, while others have vast greens with several water hazards. Golf is far more difficult to play than other sports on sized-restricted fields, such as football, basketball, and baseball, because of the variance in course designs.

A golfer can find doglegs Irritating. 

Golf holes that curve left or right are known as doglegs. A dogleg becomes challenging when the hole curves in the opposite direction from the golfer’s preferred ball flight. On a dogleg left hole, a golfer who frequently hits the ball from the right will have a difficult time. 

What Determines Whether You’ll Be Good at Golf?

Nobody plays the same way when they swing, putt, or do anything else. It’s important to consider whether you’ve been playing for a while or are new to the sport. The finest golfer, though, will have a variety of styles. 

Even if you’re having a bad day or your game looks difficult, keep going! It’s supposed to be difficult. As golfers, we all experience this. Furthermore, you never know when that great round might come up. 

Here are some strategies to help you pick up your game again after feeling defeated, irritated, or disappointed while playing golf. 

Eye-Hand Coordination 

As we’ve already said, golf requires excellent hand-eye coordination. The balls you utilize in the game are relatively small, so your club must make accurate contact with them to move them in the desired direction. 

Beginner players must practice hitting for six months before they can play competitively. If you start out making mistakes frequently, don’t become disheartened. It’s entirely normal, and things will only get better for your coordination from there. 

Pause for a while. 

Take a break and stop thinking about your golf game, whether for a few days or a week. This might be all the rest you occasionally need to recover and return. 

When you play again, you might discover that this was merely an “off day” and that you were just being inconsistent.

Plan a golf lesson. 

Since I had a serious shanking issue and could not escape the bunkers, I set up a 30-minute instruction with a pro. He quickly identified what I was doing incorrectly and showed me how to correct it; within five minutes, I was back to feeling secure in the bunkers. Sometimes all it takes is a trained expert who can spot your mistakes. 

Go to the practice area or the driving range. 

After a couple of days off, I prefer to go to the range to iron out any kinks and see whether they are still present. It pleases me to see my injections functioning normally once more. 

Physical Strength.

Golf was long thought to be a sport where physical power wasn’t necessary, but we now know this is untrue due to the sport’s apparent leisureliness. 

Most golfers prefer to cover as much ground as possible on their first swing; therefore, strength is typically crucial. Sometimes, the difference between a successful stroke and a complete miss is a little more force.


Your thinking comes last but certainly not least. A huge amount of psychology is involved in learning a new skill. No matter how frequently you practice or how physically fit you are for the sport, you will only notice improvement with commitment and motivation. 

why is golf so hard?

It’s conceivable that you’ll lose motivation too early or give up since you don’t get results right away. Try to have fun while doing it. It stands to reason that you enjoy golf and want to improve, so use that as your driving force. You’ll get the outcomes you want in due time. Maintain your attention. 

Plan your upcoming round of golf. 

Don’t let the last few or that frustrating round stop you from hitting the course again. All golfers experience these difficult times and may gain wisdom from them. You’ll be prepared for it because it will probably occur occasionally, and you’ll know how to handle it when it does the next time. 

Play golf alone, all by yourself. 

You can always do a solo run on the course. Because no one is there and You can be alone and test things out without feeling under pressure, You enjoy playing golf alone. Playing by yourself can be calming and peaceful.

Your practice time allotment 

Although it may be overused, the adage “practice makes perfect” has a lot of merits. You should see more noticeable improvements the more practice time you can give yourself, whether on the game or with other techniques. 

You don’t have to be fixated on it. The injury could result from that, which would only limit your talents. But sustaining commitment is essential to the procedure. Make a timetable for yourself that is sensible, and follow it. The outcomes will manifest.

Will Equipment Improve my Game? 

The golf industry excels at marketing, and there are countless advertisements for equipment from reputable golf firms and retail golf stores. Golf balls, putters, drivers, and clubs come in various shapes and sizes, some of which are undoubtedly geared toward players of different skill levels. 

Although it would not be advisable for a severely crippled player to use a touring professional’s golf clubs and vice versa, the gear will not significantly affect your ability to play golf once you do.

Begin with one of the more affordable packages if you are a novice golfer, and when you feel your game has reached a certain level, consider a higher-quality set. Equipment won’t significantly improve the game early, but it can undoubtedly help more experienced players. 

Where Can You Learn Golf the Best? 

Now that we’ve discussed the elements of your practice, it’s time for you to consider the location of your practice. Several of our best recommendations, from the apparent to the unusual, are included below. Be open to practising since a multifaceted strategy frequently offers the most significant advantages.

On the Course

First, let’s address the most obvious solution. The course is among the top locations to learn how to play golf. It’s the only spot where you can experience the game and respond to in-game elements like the weather and scenery. 

Depending on how many daily obligations you balance, enrolling in the course is occasionally doable. Still, it would help if you seized the chance as often as possible to progress. 

An outdoor driving range 

A driving range is an ideal alternative if you can’t play golf or want to polish your technique and swing in a safe atmosphere. Driving ranges are still a good place to practice even though they can’t simulate everything, including how navigating various course topography can affect your game.

While it may seem monotonous to stand for a few hours and swing hundreds of balls, doing so strengthens your body and improves your alignment and aim. It may also be quite therapeutic. 

Within a Simulator 

As we just mentioned, it can be challenging to enter the course. You can enhance your game by using various simulators and the beautiful world of virtual reality. 

Although it offers a different level of preparation than the actual thing, it is unquestionably preferable to forgoing practice altogether. 

why is golf so hard?

Since none of your forms or swings depends on the environment, you may still practice them using a simulator. Some simulators are also plain enjoyable, which is their reward! 

Related: Ceiling Height for Golf Simulator (Types, Height & Tips)

Depending on your financial circumstances and the availability of tutors nearby, courses are only an option for some individuals. Even so, it’s smart because paying for practical classes offers you access to a professional who can help you hone your skills. 

Driving ranges and outdoor courses are excellent places to practice, but you may need to focus on certain obvious errors. A qualified instructor can help you focus by offering a different viewpoint on what you’re missing. 


Lastly, many websites are devoted to golfing tactics, which have advantages similar to those of YouTube videos. Because you believe practical experience matters, pay attention to what is happening. 

While playing is essential for general progress, reading up on the game has some advantages. If you weren’t reading this guide, you must already think that. Golf theory may appear difficult initially, but it can help you become more proficient. 

Tutorials on YouTube 

Any sport can benefit greatly from experience, but occasionally you also need a strong mental game. 

  • You can get precisely this information from YouTube tutorials
  • The next time you’re on the course, use the advice of both amateurs and professionals to improve your game. 
  • You might be shocked at how much information you can glean from a single, straightforward visual illustration another player provides. 
  • You might discover your new go-to strategy for making the ideal swing. Keep in mind to be grateful for the resources available.


There is no doubt that playing golf may be challenging. But, as with anything, regular practice, improving your reflexes, handling setbacks, and repeating the right tactics is the surest approach to enhance performance and establish your best-possible state of mind for the upcoming shot and the many more that will follow. After each shot, when you’re still trying to get better, you know you’ve succeeded.


  • Brody Hamilton

    Hello, I'm Brody Hamilton. I am a passionate golfer with 7 years of experience. I play golf regularly and have plenty of knowledge to share with you. Learn more about golf by reading articles on our website.

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