Golf Backswing Sequence (Complete & Easy Guide)

To make a good golf backswing sequence, you must start by standing tall and keeping your core engaged. You should rotate your shoulders and hips from there until your arms are parallel to the ground. Finally, you’ll want to swing your club back and up toward the ball. If you follow these steps, you’ll be able to achieve a powerful swing that will send the ball flying down the fairway.

Golf Backswing Sequence

The golf backswing is the key to a perfect swing. Many golfers think they can wing it and their swing will be perfect. However, this is not the case. A few key elements of the backswing must be performed correctly for the rest of the swing to be executed perfectly.

Take Away

The first element of a perfect backswing is the takeaway. The takeaway is the part of the swing where the club is lifted off the ground and away from the ball.

The takeaway should be smooth and fluid. The club should be lifted straight up and down, not across the body. It will ensure that the clubface is square at impact.


The second element of the perfect backswing is the turn. The turn is the part of the swing where the shoulders and hips are rotated away from the target.

The turn should be smooth and controlled. The shoulders and hips should not move too fast or too slow. They should move at the same speed throughout the swing.

Cocking of the Wrists

The third element of the perfect backswing is the cocking of the wrists. The wrists should be cocked at the top of the swing so that the club is pointing straight up at the sky. This will ensure that the clubface is square at impact.

Follow Through

The fourth element of the perfect backswing is the follow-through. The follow-through is the part of the swing where the club is swung down and around to the ball.

The follow-through should be smooth and fluid. The club should be swung down and around the body, not across. This will ensure that the clubface is square at impact.

Following these simple tips, you can ensure that your golf backswing is perfect and that your swing will be executed perfectly. Remember, a smooth and fluid backswing is the key to a perfect swing. If you can master these four elements, you will be well on your way to a perfect swing.

The Aim of a Great Golf Backswing

A Great Golf Backswing aims to cock the wrists, turn the shoulders, and shift the weight in one smooth motion. It can be not easy to keep track of everything while also trying to focus on your form, but fortunately, there is a specific sequence that you can follow to make sure that you’re doing everything correctly. Here is the golf backswing sequence that you should follow:

1. Start by cocking your wrists. This is done by turning your hands, so the palms face away from your body.

2. Next, turn your shoulders. This should be a smooth, continuous motion that follows the cocking of your wrists.

3. Finally, shift your weight onto your back foot. It will help you create the power needed to drive the ball.

Following this golf backswing sequence will help you develop the power and accuracy needed to improve your game. Practice it often, so it becomes second nature, and soon you’ll be nailing those long drives easily.

Building a Golf Backswing for Accuracy

Building a Golf Backswing for Accuracy and consistency doesn’t have to be complicated. Keeping it simple is often the best approach. With that in mind, here’s a 4-step sequence that will help you build a strong and consistent backswing:

1. Take your grip

2. Address the ball

3. Start your backswing

4. Finish your backswing

Once you have your grip and stance sorted, it’s time to start the backswing. The most important thing to remember here is that the backswing should be a smooth, continuous motion. There’s no need to rush it or try to hit the ball too hard – just let the club do the work.

Advanced Golf Backswing Tips

You can do a few things to perfect your golf backswing and ensure that you hit the ball with power and accuracy. Follow these tips, and you’ll be on your way to becoming a better golfer.

1. Start by gripping the club with your left hand. Place your left thumb on the top of the club, and position your other fingers, so they wrap around the grip.

2. Take a step back with your left foot, and turn your body, so your left shoulder faces the target.

3. Shift your weight to your back foot, and bend your knees slightly.

4. Keeping your arms straight, swing the club back until it is parallel with the ground.

5. Begin to turn your body to the right, and as you do so, start to raise the club over your head.

6. When the club reaches eye level, start to rotate your wrists so that the clubhead points towards the ground.

7. Continue the backswing until your right arm points towards the sky and your left arm are parallel with the ground.

8. Pause for a moment at the top of the backswing, and then start the downswing by shifting your weight to your front foot and uncocking your wrists.

9. Swing the club down and through, making contact with the ball in the sweet spot of the clubface.

10. Follow through with your swing, and finish in a balanced position.

Practice these tips, and soon you’ll have a smooth, powerful backswing to help you hit the ball straighter and farther.


How do I grip the club?

Place your left thumb on the top of the club, and position your other fingers, so they wrap around the grip.

Where should my weight be during the backswing?

Shift your weight to your back foot, and bend your knees slightly.

How do I know if I’m at the top of the backswing?

When the club reaches eye level, start to rotate your wrists so that the clubhead points toward the ground


If you can master the golf backswing sequence, you’ll be well on your way to a successful round of golf. These tips will help you get started. Practice regularly, and you’ll see improvement in no time!


  • Brody Hamilton

    Hello, I'm Brody Hamilton. I am a passionate golfer with 7 years of experience. I play golf regularly and have plenty of knowledge to share with you. Learn more about golf by reading articles on our website.

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