What is a 52 Degree Wedge? (What is It, Use For & How Far)

what is a 52-degree wedge?

Gearing up to golf this season? Are you wondering which wedge you should buy or whether the 52-degree is a …

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What is a 54-Degree Wedge? (What is it, How to Hit & Benefits)

what is a 54-degree wedge

Many golfers, especially those at the beginner level, don’t realize just how important their selection of clubs is when it …

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What is a 56-Degree Wedge? (What is It, Benefits &, etc)

what is a 56-degree wedge?

Are you an avid golfer looking to enhance your game? Have you ever wondered what a 56-degree wedge is used …

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What is a 60-degree wedge? (What is it, Benefits & Tips)


Do you ever wonder what golfers mean when they talk about a 60-degree wedge? Have you heard this term but …

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Cart Bag VS Stand Bag (Pros, Cons & Tips for Which is Best)

cart bag vs stand bag

Are you in the market for a new golf bag? If so, it’s essential to consider not just style and …

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How Long Do Golf Cart Batteries Last? (Tips for longer Life Span)

how long do golf cart batteries last

Golf cart batteries are great for getting around the golf course, but with all that regular use, they can eventually …

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How Do You Putt On a Golf Simulator? (4 Tips to Improve game)

how do you putt on a golf simulator

In any group that wants to play golf, the question is asked: “How do you putt on a golf simulator?” …

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Learning to Play Golf at 60 or Above (Tips & Advice)

learning to play golf at 60

If you are 60 or older and interested in learning how to play golf, look no further. We will discuss …

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Hitting Straighter Drives (Mistakes & Tips)

Several golf tips exist on how to hit straighter drives. But what if you could change your grip to accomplish …

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How to Become a Better Golfer in 30 Days (Tips & Schedule)

how to become a better golfer in 30 days

You’ll need to form certain practice habits and perfect certain fundamentals in order to become a better golfer. In this …

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