What is an Interlocking Golf Grip? (Benefits & How to Apply It)

What is an Interlock Golf Grip?

The interlocking golf grip is popular for many golfers because it provides maximum control and stability while swinging. The interlock grip gives the golfer better accuracy when hitting the ball, allowing them to hit more consistent shots and reduce their scores.

This grip also allows the golfer to generate more power as they swing, giving them an advantage over other golfers. Here are the steps to making an interlock golf grip.

  1. Make sure you hold the golf club shaft with both hands.
  2. The pinky finger of your right hand should be positioned between the index and middle fingers of your left hand.
  3. You need to wrap your right index finger around the handle of the golf club so your left thumb won’t slip off.
  4. A correctly performed grip results in your thumb pointing straight down the shaft.
interlocking golf grip

Benefits of An Interlock Golf Grip:

Many golfers use interlocking golf grip due to their many benefits. However, you must remember that any change of grip can take a few weeks to become accustomed to. An interlock golf grip offers the following advantages.

1. Prevents hands from slipping

Using an interlocking grip, the golfer can rest assured that his hands will stay on the golf club during the entire swing. This ensures the golfer is focused on the possibility of his hands sliding down the shaft.

2. Makes the hands one

One hand can not dominate the golf swing with the interlock golf grip since it locks the hands together. With two hands working in unison, the golfer can square the clubface more easily. This leads to a more powerful and accurate swing.

3. For smaller-handed golfers

The interlock golf grip is great for golfers with smaller hands because it allows them to easily control the club without squeezing too tightly. This helps avoid tension and fatigue during a long round of golf, which can help you stay relaxed and focused throughout your game. 

Efficient Grip Change: 

Once you become comfortable with the interlocking grip, switching between the interlock and overlapping grips is easy. This makes it a great choice for golfers who need to make quick adjustments in their stance or swing during a round of golf.

Less Work on Your Hands:

With the interlocking golf grip, you don’t have to work as hard to keep the club in place. This makes it easier to keep your wrists and arms relaxed while swinging, giving you a smoother and more efficient swing.

interlocking golf grip

Here are a Few Other Common Golf Grips:

The most popular golf grip variations include the overlapping, 10-finger or baseball grip, and the reverse overlap. Each of these grips has its advantages and disadvantages, but all are generally considered easier to learn than the interlocking grip.

The overlapping grip is great for those who need extra control while swinging and can help generate more power. The 10-finger grip is popular for beginners because it’s easy to learn and can help improve consistency. Finally, the reverse overlap is ideal for those who need a lot of flexibility while playing and can help keep your clubface square to the target.

Grips: Strong, Weak, and Neutral

1. Strong Grip: 

In a strong grip, you hold the club with your left hand facing down and slightly to the right than usual (for right-handed golfers). In this case, the clubface will close at impact, leading to a draw or hook with extra backspin.

2. Weak Grip: 

A weak grip means your left hand is facing up and a little to the left where it normally would be. This can cause the clubface to open, resulting in a fade or slice shot with additional sidespin.

3. Neutral Grip: 

A neutral grip is when you place your hands on the club to keep them parallel to the target line. This will keep the clubface square to the target at impact, resulting in a straight shot with backspin or sidespin, depending on the type of shot you’re executing.


Which golf grip is better, interlock or overlap?

Interlock grips are better for people with smaller hands, whereas overlaid grips are likely to feel more comfortable for people with larger hands.

Will using the interlocking grip help improve my game?

Yes, using the interlocking grip can help improve your game by improving accuracy and power while reducing fatigue. Additionally, if you are comfortable switching between grips, it can help you make quick adjustments during a round of golf.

Can I use any grip for any shot?

No, the different types of grip will produce different results when executing different shots. For example, a strong grip will produce a draw or hook shot with backspin, while a weak grip will produce a fade or slice shot with sidespin. A neutral grip can be used for straight shots that may have either backspin or sidespin, depending on the type of shot you’re executing.


A great choice for players of any level, the interlock golf grip offers several benefits. As a result, you can hit more consistent shots with greater accuracy, as it provides maximum control and stability while swinging.

By evenly distributing force throughout your hands, the interlocking grip reduces the risk of injury and fatigue. With the right technique, you can enhance your game.


  • Brody Hamilton

    Hello, I'm Brody Hamilton. I am a passionate golfer with 7 years of experience. I play golf regularly and have plenty of knowledge to share with you. Learn more about golf by reading articles on our website.

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