How Long Do Golf Cart Batteries Last? (Tips for longer Life Span)

Golf cart batteries are great for getting around the golf course, but with all that regular use, they can eventually start to wear down. How long do you expect your batteries to last? Is there anything you can do to ensure they have a longer lifespan? In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at how long golf cart batteries typically last and provide tips on maintaining them to extend their life.

How Long Do Golf Cart Batteries Last?

The average lifespan of a golf cart battery is between three to five years, depending on how it’s used and maintained. If you take good care of your batteries, you can expect them to last at least five years before needing to be replaced. Regularly charging the batteries, deep cycling them occasionally, and avoiding overcharging are all important steps for preserving battery life.

how long do golf batteries last

It’s also important to note that certain batteries will have a shorter lifespan than others. For instance, AGM batteries typically last about three years, while GEL batteries can last up to five years if properly maintained.

Tips for Maintaining Your Golf Cart Batteries

Follow a few maintenance tips to ensure your golf cart batteries last as long as possible.

1. Always use the right charging equipment: Using the wrong charger or leaving your batteries on a constant low charge can shorten their lifespan. Make sure to use the correct type of charger for your battery type and avoid overcharging.

2. Deep cycle your batteries occasionally: Deep cycling completely discharges and recharges your battery. This can help balance out the cells in the battery and ultimately extend its lifespan.

3. Monitor the water level in wet cell batteries: Wet cell batteries should be checked regularly to ensure enough water to cover the plates inside. If the water levels are too low, fill it with distilled water and ensure no corrosion or discoloration.

4. Clean your batteries regularly: Use a mixture of baking soda and warm water to clean off any dirt or debris that may have built up on the outside of your batteries. This helps keep them in good condition and can help extend their lifespan.

how long do golf club last

By following these tips, you can maximize the life of your golf cart batteries and get more mileage out of them before they need to be replaced. With proper maintenance, they should last between three and five years. So take good care of your batteries and enjoy your golf cart.

Things That Affect Golf Cart Batteries’ Lifespan:

1. Usage: Batteries used more often will have a shorter lifespan than those used less frequently. And the way they are used is just as important. If the golf cart is driven at full speed or up steep hills regularly, it can place additional strain on the batteries and reduce their lifespan.

2. Charging Habits: Batteries that are not charged correctly or are left in a low charge state for too long will degrade more quickly. Always ensure the batteries are charged fully and avoid leaving them in a low charge for too long.

3. Weather: Extreme temperatures can cause damage to the battery components and reduce their lifespan.

4. Age: Over time, even with proper maintenance, batteries start to wear down and lose their capacity to hold a charge.

5. Maintenance: Proper maintenance is key to extending the lifespan of your golf cart battery. Make sure you follow all instructions for charging, deep cycling and cleaning your batteries regularly.

When To Replace Your Golf Cart Battery

It’s important to keep an eye on your golf cart battery’s performance and know when it’s time to replace it. If you notice that the battery can no longer hold a charge for as long or seems to be losing capacity quickly, it may be time for a replacement.

You should also consider replacing the battery if it is more than five years old or has experienced excessive wear and tear. Replacing your battery can help ensure your golf cart runs safely and efficiently.

When the time comes, consult your owner’s manual for the correct replacement battery size and type for your golf cart. You can enjoy many years of golfing fun with the right replacement battery and proper maintenance.

how long do golf cart batteries last

In short, golf cart batteries don’t last forever. The average lifespan of a golf cart battery is between three and five years, depending on its type and usage. To maximize the life of your battery, make sure to use the right charging equipment, deep cycle your batteries periodically, monitor the water levels in wet cell batteries, and clean them regularly.

If your battery is losing capacity or has been more than five years since its last replacement, it may be time to get a new one. With the right maintenance and care, you can keep your golf cart running smoothly and enjoy the game for many years.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

How often should I charge my golf cart battery?

For best performance, it is recommended that you charge your battery after each use. If the battery is not being used for an extended period of time, then it should be charged at least once a month to ensure optimal performance when needed.

How do I know when to replace my golf cart battery?

If you notice that the battery can no longer hold a charge for as long or seems to be losing capacity quickly, it may be time for a replacement. Additionally, if your battery is more than five years old or has experienced excessive wear and tear, it should also be replaced.

How often should I clean my golf cart batteries?

It would be best if you cleaned off any dirt or debris outside your batteries every few months with baking soda and warm water. This helps keep them in good condition and can help extend their lifespan.


Golf cart batteries are the power source for many golfers, but they don’t last forever. With proper maintenance and care, you can ensure your golf cart batteries have a long life. Using the right charging equipment, deep cycling occasionally, monitoring water levels in wet cell batteries, and cleaning them regularly. You can extend their lifespan between three and five years.

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  • Brody Hamilton

    Hello, I'm Brody Hamilton. I am a passionate golfer with 7 years of experience. I play golf regularly and have plenty of knowledge to share with you. Learn more about golf by reading articles on our website.

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