Golf Hand Injuries (Causes, Prevention & Treatment)

Golf is often seen as an enjoyable pastime. Grabbing a cart, hitting the course on a sunny day with friends or family and having some friendly competitions can be great fun. Unfortunately, many golfers suffer from one of the most common golf-related injuries – Hand Injuries.

Though playing any sport comes with a risk of injury, hand injuries have become more frequently reported in recent years due to heavy equipment use and improper technique. Whether you’re looking to prevent these types of injuries yourself or seeking guidance for strengthening your hands post-injury, this blog will outline causes, prevention techniques and potential solutions available so that all golfers can feel confident while they hit the course.

Golf hand injuries:

1. Causes:

The most common cause of golf hand injuries is overuse due to poor technique and the use of heavy equipment. Poor grip size and improper club selection can also lead to strain on the hands, wrists and forearms from extended periods of play. Other causes include trauma from accidents or being hit during golf swings and pre-existing conditions such as arthritis or carpal tunnel syndrome.

2. Prevention:

Many experts recommend wearing a supportive glove while playing to provide extra cushioning and stability for the hands and wrists to prevent golf hand injuries. Additionally, golfers should always warm up their muscles by stretching their arms and forearms before hitting the course.

golf hand injuries

It is also important not to overuse the same set of clubs when playing, as this can lead to fatigue and poor performance. Lastly, make sure to use proper technique with each swing on the course – be mindful of your grip size and club selection as well as form throughout practice sessions so that you will see an improvement in your game without straining your hands too much.

3. Solutions:

There are a few potential solutions for golfers who experience hand injuries or want to protect their hands from further strain. Wearing an arm or wrist brace can provide stability and reduce the risk of injury and physical therapy sessions.

For chronic conditions such as arthritis or carpal tunnel syndrome, steroid injections may also reduce inflammation and pain. Finally, some golfers have found success in switching to lighter clubs that don’t require as much force to hit the ball – this way, and you can still get the same results without putting too much stress on your hands.

Golf-Related Injuries:

Wrist Injuries

Wrist injuries are another common golf-related injury, usually caused by overuse or improper technique. The most common symptoms of these injuries include pain and swelling in the wrist area that can be exacerbated when playing. It is important to use proper technique and avoid strenuous movements during practice sessions to prevent this injury. Additionally, wearing a supportive wrist brace or taking anti-inflammatory medication before playing may reduce strain risk.

Elbow Injuries

Elbow injuries can occur due to poor technique, overuse and trauma. Symptoms of these types of injuries include pain and swelling in the elbow area as well as decreased range of motion. To prevent this injury, golfers should use the right grip size, club selection, and proper form while playing.

golf hand injuries

Shoulder Injuries

A number of factors, such as improper technique or overuse, can cause shoulder injuries. Symptoms of these types of injuries include pain, swelling and decreased range of motion in the shoulder area. To prevent this injury, golfers should use proper form while playing and avoid excessive twisting motions with their swing. Additionally, wearing a supportive shoulder brace can provide additional stability and cushion to the area.

How are these golf injuries treated?

1. The first line of treatment is to rest the affected area, apply ice and take anti-inflammatory medication.

2. Physical Therapy: In certain cases, physical therapy may be recommended to help strengthen muscles and improve mobility in the affected area.

3. Steroid Injections: For chronic conditions such as arthritis or carpal tunnel syndrome, steroid injections may be recommended to reduce inflammation and provide pain relief.

4. Surgery: In some cases, surgery may be necessary to repair any underlying damage and provide long-term relief from symptoms.

Bonus Tip:

Using a swing trainer is a great way to reduce stress on your hands during golf swings. Swing trainers are designed to help you learn proper form and improve accuracy when swinging clubs. Using regularly can help build strength in your arms, hands, shoulders and core muscles, preventing golf hand injuries in the long run. So next time you hit the range or practice at home, include a swing trainer in your session for the best results.

When should you call a doctor?

1. If your pain is severe and does not improve with rest or at-home treatments

2. If your symptoms are accompanied by numbness, tingling, or loss of function in the affected area

3. If there is any visible swelling or bruising around the injured area

4. If you are experiencing any other unusual symptoms that may indicate a more serious injury

golf hand injuries

Seeking medical attention if you experience any of the above symptoms is important. Doing so will help ensure that your golf hand injuries are treated properly and in a timely manner. Don’t hesitate to call your doctor or visit an urgent care center.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

What are the most common golf hand injuries?

The most common golf-related hand injuries are wrist and elbow injuries and shoulder injuries. These types of injuries typically occur due to improper technique or overuse.

How can I prevent these types of injuries when playing golf?

To prevent golf-related hand injuries, it is important to use proper technique and avoid strenuous movements while playing. Additionally, wearing a supportive wrist or shoulder brace can provide additional stability and cushion during play. A swing trainer is also recommended to help improve accuracy and form when hitting balls.

What should I do if I experience any symptoms of golf hand injuries?

If you experience pain, swelling or decreased range of motion in the affected area, seek medical attention immediately. Your doctor can provide a diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate treatment plan to help reduce any pain and discomfort caused by these types of injuries.


Golf hand injuries can be painful and debilitating if not treated properly. If you experience any symptoms of these types of injuries, it is important to seek medical attention immediately.

Additionally, proper technique and avoidance of strenuous motions can help prevent golf-related hand injuries in the first place. So next time you hit the course, don’t forget to wear a supportive brace and use a swing trainer. Doing so can help ensure you stay in the game without aches and pains.


  • Brody Hamilton

    Hello, I'm Brody Hamilton. I am a passionate golfer with 7 years of experience. I play golf regularly and have plenty of knowledge to share with you. Learn more about golf by reading articles on our website.

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