The fade shot is considered one of the most valuable golf skills. The difference between a fade and a draw is that a fade is a more controlled shot. Players usually aim their golf shots at their intended targets when they fade. In addition to saving strokes on every round, this shot is much more reliable than a slice.
Can you tell me what a fade in golf is?
A golf fade, also known as a cut shot, is a type of shot that shapes left-to-right for right-handed players and right-to-left for left-handed players.
In this shape, you have the same idea as a slice. However, you are much more controlled, and a fade does not cover as much space laterally as a slice.
For example, a right-handed golfer who hits a tee shot that intentionally moves left to right is called a fade. A slice occurs when the player hits a tee shot that moves uncontrollably offline to the right.
How to Hit a Fade in Golf?
Many golfers have a natural shot shape called the fade. The majority of players, however, hit fast hooks and big slices. The same principles apply to both drivers and irons when it comes to controlling a fade. Here’s what you need to know about playing a fade shot.
Be sure to check your grip.
Golf shots can still be missed if you have a poor grip on your golf club, even if you do everything else correctly.
When hitting a fade, you want your grip slightly weaker than normal. The top palm of your right hand (if you are a right-hander) should be rotated a little counterclockwise. You should see two knuckles at the address instead of three on your top hand.
At impact, you won’t be able to return the club to square because your top hand has been rotated too weakly. Besides holding the club in the palm instead of the fingers, consider holding it a little more in the palm.

Additionally, your bottom hand should rotate slightly in the same direction as your top hand. When you take away hit a slice, don’t get your bottom hand too far onto the top of your club. Changing your grip gently is the best way to experiment.
Keep your stance in check.
In a controlled manner, aiming down the left side of the fairway or at the left half of the green is the best way to fade the ball to your target. It is important to keep your feet parallel to your target line when hitting a straight shot. To allow for a fade’s slightly left-to-right shot shape, you want to aim slightly left of your final intended target when hitting a fade. If you want to reach your final objective, it is often helpful to aim your clubface slightly in that direction.
The Club Face will open.
Choosing to open the clubface is as simple as rotating the toe away from the ball during the address. In addition to the open face, there will also be some curvature in the ball’s flight. Open the club face too much, and the ball will start to curve right of your target line ( when you are a right-hander). Fading is an important skill, and as discussed in the last section, you should aim left of your target.
The left-hand swings
Another option is to swing slightly across your target line if you feel uncomfortable opening up the clubface. Your swing path is crucial whether you are hitting a fade golf shot or any other golf shot.
When hitting a fade, you want the club to move left through impact (for right-handers), so that it is hitting the ball and moving outside-to-in. Once again, be cautious because if you cut across the ball with the club head, you will slice. A fade is only effective when you attack the ball from outside by about a degree or two.
Additionally, consider your swing positions at the top and finish of your swing to produce a golf fade. It would be best if you placed your hands above your trail shoulder at the top to achieve high hands.
Essential Tips for Hitting a High, Soft Fade
- Start your setup with the ball slightly forward or center in your stance and an open stance that favors your lead side.
- Take a slightly longer than normal backswing to give you extra time to ensure your clubface is properly aligned when you start down.
- At the top of your swing, feel like you are pushing the club outward away from you to help keep the face open (pushing off)
- As you start down, use your lower body to turn and help add speed and power while allowing you to maintain control over where the club head is going.
- As you reach impact, maintain firm pressure throughout the shot while keeping the face square or open to achieve maximum spin on the ball.
- Make sure to follow through completely with your swing until your arms are nearly at shoulder height and parallel to the ground.
- Practice both off-the-tee shots as well as finesse shots around obstacles so that you can have more control over where and how far the fade will go
Benefits of Hitting Fade Shots
- The fade shot can be used to escape tricky situations, such as avoiding obstacles and trees.
- As a low-spin shot, the fade will travel farther than a draw, allowing you to add extra distance to your drives with practice.
- Utilizing the fade can help you gain better control over your trajectory and make it easier to hit the fairway from various lies.
- It’s easier for beginners to learn a fade than to learn a proper draw due to its more forgiving nature and simpler mechanics.
- With enough practice, fades can be hit with consistent accuracy and power for greater scores on the course.
In conclusion, the best way to hit a fade shot is to aim for the center of the fairway, where the ball will go the farthest. This will give you the most distance and help you land the ball on the green.
If you fade your drive, it will create just enough backspin to prevent the ball from rolling away and into the rough. It is also known as a slice that still finds the fairway.
While a fade shot might not go as far as a draw, it is known to be easier to control than a draw.
In addition to landing more gently, a fade with backspin will settle quickly and have less rollout. In the event of a line miss, the error should be less damaging. Compared to a draw, the fade travels 5 to 10 yards shorter than a draw, which may or may not be a disadvantage.
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