Can You Drive a Golf Cart On The Street?

The Electric Vehicle Thunderdome has a smaller, safer, and cheaper contender than Tesla, and in recent years, they’ve become increasingly popular on streets and golf courses.

People, however, question whether it is legal to drive a golf cart on the street due to its size and lack of speed. Can golf carts be driven on the streets? In some places, they are legal as long as they’re insured, registered, and equipped with all the necessary accessories.

Let’s explore golf cart street driving together.

Are Golf Carts Street Legal in the US?

The legality of using golf carts on public roads in the United States varies by state and municipality. Some states and municipalities have laws that specifically allow for the use of golf carts on public roads under certain conditions, such as during daylight hours and on roads with speed limits of 35 mph or less. Other states and municipalities may prohibit golf carts’ use on public roads or have no specific laws addressing their use.

Some states also have laws requiring registered golf carts and insurance and have certain safety features such as seat belts, headlights, turn signals, brake lights, and mirrors.

It’s important to check your state’s and local laws regarding using golf carts on public roads before operating one. If you’re unsure about the laws in your area, you can contact your local Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) or police department for more information.

  • Having a driver’s license
  • Vehicle Identification Numbers (VINs) are 17 digits long
  • Insurance
  • With turn signals and working lights (headlights, brake lights, and taillights)
  • Tires that are DOT-approved
  • Installed mirrors (interior and exterior),
  • Wheels, tire treads, seatbelts, horns, and windshield wipers
  • License plate bracket with lighted letters
  • 20 – 25 mph is the minimum top speed

It is common to see golf carts on college campuses, military bases, and beach towns in states/cities where they can drive.

can you drive a golf cart on street?

Are Golf Carts Street Legal in the UK?

It is possible to drive golf carts on certain UK streets provided they meet all requirements. Your golf cart must meet specific safety requirements to be street-legal in the UK. Your golf cart will not be road-legal if it is in its standard form; it must meet the following specifications:

  • Having a license to drive
  • Certificate of MOT
  • Insurance
  • Headlights, brake lights, and taillights with turn signals
  • Tires approved by the Department of Transportation
  • The installation of mirrors (interior and exterior),
  • Wheels, tire treads, seatbelts, horns, and windshield wipers
  • License plate bracket with lighted letters
  • 20 mph is the minimum top speed

The golf carts must meet all these requirements to drive on roads with a speed limit of 25 mph or less.

Making Your Golf Cart Street Legal:

If you want to make your golf cart street-legal, there are specific steps you need to take. Following these steps will ensure that your golf cart is safe to drive on the street and follows all local laws. 


You must ensure your golf cart is equipped with headlights, tail lights, and brake lights visible from the front, back, and sides. 


It would be best if you also had a horn that meets the requirements of road safety regulations. 


Mirrors should be installed on your golf cart’s left and right sides so you can see behind you while driving. 


The maximum speed your golf cart can travel on the street is typically 25 mph, but this varies depending on local laws.  

can you drive a golf cart on streets


To register your golf cart as street-legal, you must provide proof of ownership. You will be required to submit the vehicle identification number (VIN) and a bill of sale that shows the transfer of ownership from the previous owner to yourself. You may also need proof that you have installed the necessary safety features, such as lights and mirrors. 


It is essential to ensure that your golf cart has seatbelts installed for each person riding in it. This ensures the safety of those on board and is a legal requirement in most states. Make sure the seatbelt fits snugly and securely across the chest and lap of each rider. 

It’s also a good idea to check if there are any age restrictions on passengers using the golf cart – some states require that all passengers be at least 14 years old or have reached a certain height before they can ride without an adult being present. 

Protective Windshield: 

It is essential to install a protective windshield on your golf cart. The windshield should be made of shatter-proof material, such as safety glass or polycarbonate plastic. This will help protect you and your passengers in case of an accident. 

Additionally, the windshield should also have a wiper blade that is specifically designed for golf carts. This is important when driving in wet or rainy weather, as it will help keep your vision clear. Lastly, the windshield should be securely mounted to the golf cart’s body with the appropriate hardware and fasteners so that it does not become dislodged while in motion.

Safety Equipment: 

It is essential to ensure that your golf cart is equipped with the necessary safety equipment. This includes seatbelts for each person riding in it and a protective windshield made from shatter-proof material such as safety glass or polycarbonate plastic. 

The windshield should be securely mounted to the golf cart’s body with appropriate hardware and fasteners. Lastly, it is important to check local laws to ensure that all other safety requirements are met. 

can you drive a golf cart on streets?

Once you have taken all these steps, your golf cart should be street-legal and ready to drive! Always follow any posted signage or speed limits and drive safely. Having a street-legal golf cart can be an enjoyable and convenient way to get around town. Make sure you follow all safety regulations when driving.

At Last:

Driving a golf cart on the street is a great way to get around town conveniently and safely. However, it is essential to ensure your golf cart is street-legal by following all the necessary steps. This includes installing lights, mirrors, horns, seatbelts, and protective windshields. 

Additionally, you must register your golf cart and ensure that all safety requirements are met. Once you have taken these steps, your golf cart should be ready to drive! Always follow any posted signage or speed limits and drive safely.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

How fast can a golf cart go on the street? 

The maximum speed your golf cart can travel on the street is typically 25 mph, but this varies depending on local laws. 

Do I need to register my golf cart to drive it legally? 

Yes, you must register your golf cart with the DMV and provide proof of ownership before driving it on public roads. 

What safety features do I need to install? 

You will need to install seatbelts, lights, mirrors, horns, and a protective windshield to make your golf cart street-legal. Make sure to check local laws for any additional requirements. 

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  • Brody Hamilton

    Hello, I'm Brody Hamilton. I am a passionate golfer with 7 years of experience. I play golf regularly and have plenty of knowledge to share with you. Learn more about golf by reading articles on our website.

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