Cleaning Golf Clubs With WD-40 (is it safe?)

cleaning golf club with wd-40

Keeping your golf clubs clean will improve your accuracy, allowing you to hit the ball more accurately. WD-40 is a …

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Play Golf With no Swing Thoughts (Here are 5 Keys)

play golf with no swing thoughts

Golfers know the importance of a smooth swing. The motion is what sends the ball flying down the fairway. However, …

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Learning to Play Golf at 60 or Above (Tips & Advice)

learning to play golf at 60

If you are 60 or older and interested in learning how to play golf, look no further. We will discuss …

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Erc soft vs chrome soft (Comparison & Review)

erc vs chrome soft

There are various opinions about the best golf ball. Some swear by erc soft, whereas others prefer chrome soft. So, …

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90-Degree Rule Golf (What is It)

90 degree rule golf

As a rule, golf courses enforce the ninety-degree rule in order to minimize damage to the golf course’s turf while …

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What Are The Disadvantages of Playing Golf (10 Cons)

disadvantages of playing golf

Golf is a popular sport enjoyed by many, but it has some disadvantages. This article will discuss some of the …

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Do Soft Golf Balls Go Further? (Advantages & Disadvantages)

do golf balls go further?

In golf, it is essential to have the right equipment to play your best. This includes a set of clubs, …

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Hitting Straighter Drives (Mistakes & Tips)

Several golf tips exist on how to hit straighter drives. But what if you could change your grip to accomplish …

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How to Become a Better Golfer in 30 Days (Tips & Schedule)

how to become a better golfer in 30 days

You’ll need to form certain practice habits and perfect certain fundamentals in order to become a better golfer. In this …

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Cavity Back VS Blade (Comparison & Difference)

cavity back vs blade

There are many golf clubs available on the market, and it can be difficult to decide which ones are right …

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